
Make-up is not as safe as you think. Next time when you go to wash your hair, face and apply make-up you may want to actually take a look at the ingredients. Chemicals are found in our everyday beauty products that are more harmful than you may have thought. Some products contain ingredients that clog pores, dry out skin and hair and even quicken the ageing process. Many of these ingredients are marketed as 'safe' or harmless, but we have been misinformed.

If you are worried about ingredients that may be harming you, here is a list of some of the main culprits:

Mineral Oil- Now don't be fooled by the name, although it says 'minerals' it makes it sounds like a nutrient but it is derived from petroleum. This is mainly found in lip-sticks, make-up remover, lotions and the main ingredient in baby oil. It coats the skin, blocking pores, preventing the skin from breathing.

Alpha-Hydroxy Acids – AHA is an organic moisturiser and a natural exfoliant. It is found in skin cleansers, masks and moisturizers. It exfoliates to the point where it removes dead skin cells and its natural protective layer. It can make the skin up to 50% more susceptible to harmful UV rays, leaving the skin vulnerable to the sun’s aging effect, which could lead to skin cancer.

Paraffin– This ingredient comes from coal and petroleum. It is waxy substance and is found in cheap candles. It solidifies products like bath bars (not soap!) and eye liner. It irritates the skin and blocks skin pores.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate– SLS is found in many cosmetics, toothpastes and shampoos but it is also found in floor cleaner and engine de-greasers. It dries out the skin and if it is combined with other common chemicals it can form carcinogenic compounds (which can cause cancer). Scientists use SLS to cause skin irritation to test products that prevent skin irritation. This chemical is used because it creates foam and is cheap.

Formaldehyde– This the same substance used in labs to preserve dead bodies. It can be found in nail polish, shampoo and skin. This is irritating to the skin and can cause allergic reactions. Its fumes are linked to asthma and cancer.

Alcohol/Isopropyl Alcohol– This chemical is derived from petroleum and is found in perfume, hair spray, after-shave lotion, body lotion and hair dye it is also found in solvents. It is a toxic substance that can cause nausea, headaches and depression. It dries and ages the skin when it comes in contact.

Talc– This product if found in powders such as blushes, powdered foundations and baby powder. This mineral is a potential carcinogen when inhaled.

Lacquer– This is added to things like water-proof mascara to keep the colour from running. It is a hardening chemical which can lead to thinning and loss of lashes.
Collagen– The media gives us the impression that collagen is good for our skin. The body's natural colleen keeps our skin healthy but the collagen added to skin care products are extracted from animal skins and ground chicken feet. But the protein cannot penetrate the pores by rubbing it on the skin; it only clog the pores.

Lanolin– This is a product that we are also believe is healthy for our skin, it is fat derived from wool and can cause rashes and other skin irritations.